Andrew Yanthar-Wasilik

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 2003-2016

Abstract. This paper introduces Universal Transcendental Constants similar to e, π and derived from them. The following books deal with properties of the Transcendental Function, such as index and subscript math, applications in Mathematics, Theology, Philosophy, Quantum Physics, and Cosmology. 

Book1 – Universal Transcendental Function - Introduction.

1. How to derive the equation of the Universal Transcendental Function – once you realize that π is at position “8” at the x-axis and e is at position “7” on the x-axis, the formula can be derived for the whole family of Transcendental Functions. There may be as well other placements of the constants π and e, but I believe I chose the most precise and most elegant.

a) We use 2 points on the X-Y plane (1): 


– this selection gives the most straightforward relation between Transcendental Constants on Y-axis and Integers on X-axis.

b) Given the general equation of the exponential function 

calculate parameter “a” 

substituting numerical values 

c) Solving for parameter P0 – plugging in a point 

into Eqn. (3) 


So the final formula is: 

(1) For a detailed procedure for finding the equation of the exponential function

visit the page of Mr. William Cherry

The final formula 2nd version is 

or, substituting the transcendental constants C0 for P0 

2. Graph of the Universal Transcendental Function FT (see Fig. 1) 

a) Substituting numerical values for x in Eqn. (9) or (10) 


etc., (for other values of x and FT (x) see files - “constants UP.pdf” and “constants DOWN.pdf”), so the graph can be easily plotted. I think that the most important Transcendental Constants are in the range of C-1 to giving 19 constants. But two of them that is and are “out of our physical universe”, so we are left with 17 Transcendental Constants, i.e., from to

3. Some of the properties of the Universal Transcendental Function FT 

a) When using Integers for x values, we get precise constants such as: for x=7, we get C7 = e, for x=8, we get C8 = π, for x=0, we get C0, for x=17, we get C17, etc. (In the next books more about index properties of this function). 

b) To be proven – are all the other constants apart from e and π also transcendental? 

c) To be proven – are the constants for real values of x are also transcendental? 


– is this transcendental?

4. Finding the equation of the straight line of ln(y) versus x (if Eqn. (9,10, and 11 are exponential, then the graph of ln(y) vs. x will give a straight line, and it does). 

a) calculating slope, al 

b) calculating y-intercept, b 

for x = 0 


c) and the linear equation is 

5. Some of the other properties of the Universal Transcendental Function (2)(3)

a) derivative 

value of the coefficient in derivative 

b) integral 

(2) Check WolframAlpha for this and more interesting properties at

(enter the equation 10 into the WolframAlpha calculators at

(3) Next Books will describe in-depth properties of the Universal Transcendental Function


Return to the Syllabus   >>>   132. Syllabus of the course – “Voyage through God’s Universe (Cosmos and beyond) according to St. Hildegard von Bingen and others, with the help of Mathematics, Cosmology and Quantum Mechanics."


Fig. 1 Graph of Universal Transcendental Function


























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