19 August 2019 AD; St John Eudes; St Louis of Toulouse
*This is the first attempt to figure out the CP Violation Angle for Graviton.
There is not much data about Graviton in science if at all. However, an attempt to get CP Violation Phase angle can be undertaken, having the sum of all the angles for Quark ( 3 + 3 Angles ) and for Graviton.
The sum of all 6 angles for Quark equals to Σ Quark = 90.4706 deg.
CP Violation Phase Angle for Quark equals to δ CP Quark = 68.77852 deg = 1.2004115 radians
The sum of all 6 angles for Boson equals to Σ Boson = 90.5494 deg.
Now we can set up a simple proportion :
x / 90.5494 deg = 68.77852 deg / 90.4706 deg
x = 68.82843 deg = 1.2014572 radians, CP Vioaltion Phase Angle for Graviton
The arithmetic mean of Quark and Graviton CP Violation Phase:
δ CP Mean Q/G = 68.80847 deg = 1.2009343 radians
It seems that Quarks and Gravitons are having similar properties, they seem to be very close together. It is possible that the official measured value of the CP Violation Phase Angle for Quark is, in fact, the average for Quark and Graviton:
δ CP Mean Q/G = 68.80847 deg = 1.2009343 radians
Next article - Boson CP Violation Phase Angle.
Next article deals with Graviton CP Angle much better, as well as Boson CP Angle.
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