Quick narrative to “Book 1-b - Transcendental Constants - Introduction”

Updated Narrative


23 July 2022

St. Bridget of Sweden (1373 AD); St. Apollinaris of Ravenna (1st Century AD); St. Liborius (4th Century AD)

What is the Perfect Number?

“The Revelations of St. Birgitta of Sweden”; Volume I; Liber Celestis; Book I; Chapter 50; p. 141:

“In turn the Mother (Blessed Virgin Mary) answered the Son: “All power and glory be yours, my Son! You are my God and Mercy. Every good that I have comes from you. You are like a seed never sown that still grew and yielded fruit a hundredfold and thousandfold. All mercy comes from you and, being countless and ineffable, it can indeed be symbolized by the number one hundred, which symbolizes perfection, for everyone is perfected by you and perfection comes from you.””


BOTTICELLI, Sandro - Virgin and Child with Six Angels and the Baptist:




In the main article, we will derive a simple Universal Function for Transcendental Constants derived from π and e. It will complete the number system (for now) since we will have an infinite number of transcendental constants and algebraic numbers. Using both of these numbers allows for calculations never done before. At the same time, by using these constants, problems are simplified, as it was a Transform at the same time. The new patterns can be discovered, accurate patterns.


As to the Perfect Number one hundred, couple of thoughts:


  • 100 = 102

  • 10th choir in Heaven are the humans

  • 10th Transcendental Constant equal to C10 = 4.196243…

  • 10 equals 144 in Octal System

  • 10 equals 400 in Pental System

  • 10 equals 64 in Hexadecimal Numerical System

Old Narrative follows. Things change, don’t they?


In simple terms, the whole idea behind deriving Transcendental constants is to notice that “π” is the constant number “8” (subscript “8”), i.e., C8, and “e” is the constant number “7” (subscript “7”), i.e., C7. This fact allows calculating all other Transcendental Constants, as shown in Eqn.1 to Eqn. 11.Calculated numbers (constants) go from minus infinity ( − ∞) to plus infinity ( + ∞) - subscripts.

However, I claim that our Universe is contained from the constant number “0” (subscript “0”), i.e., C0, to the constant number “16” (subscript “16” ), i.e., C16, a total of 17 Transcendental Constants, describing all things completely inside and on the borders. (However, constants from the “outside” may be necessary also to describe some facts, as they are the second part of the total creation, it may concern mostly the functioning of things, but this idea will surface in later parts (Books). When you look at the values of constants from the first (beginning), i.e., C0, to the last (end), i.e., C16 , you can see that their numerical value ranges from approximately 1 to 10, and this is the section of our Universe, out of infinity. (log 1 = 0, log 10 = 1, if you prefer this way).

In my understanding, it would be ridiculous to claim that there is nothing else in existence (such as the Most Holy Trinity) or that there are similar universes; if these other universes existed, they would be completely different than our Universe, I think that is impossible, I mean the idea of a multiverse is nonsensical. The only thing which exists along is an invisible world as described in the Bible and explained by Catholic Saints.

All the Constants form a function that I have named “Transcendental Function,” consisting of only irrational values (to be proved). Equations from Eqn. 16 to Eqn. 22 describes a linear function, proving that Transcendental Function is indeed exponential.

15 November 2016 AD, S Albertus Magnus, O.P.

Andrew Yanthar-Wasilik


Return to the Syllabus   >>>   132. Syllabus of the course – “Voyage through God’s Universe (Cosmos and beyond) according to St. Hildegard von Bingen and others, with the help of Mathematics, Cosmology and Quantum Mechanics."


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