1 February 2021 AD
St Ignatius of Antioch (107); St Brigid (525)
In this article, I will present an explanation of the Elements of our Universe and their functions. It would be helpful to read the previous article,
link 88. The Evidence of another Universe and Quantum beyond ours (Heaven; "parallel universe")
and perhaps link 18. Book 6 - Derivation of General Formula for Constants of the Cosmology and Quantum Mechanics - part I.
I will come back to the graph from the article "88. Evidence of another Universe...", and there will be another explanation further down the road.
For now, it is important to mention that there are two (maybe more in the future) tests showing that the total number of the Elements is 24, divided into eight sub-groups of 3 elements each. two of these groups contain 2 elements "merged together" so the total number is reduced to 6 Elements of our Universe comprising of 24 elementary particles (or pairs of particles in some cases?).
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