132. Syllabus of the course – “Voyage through God’s Universe (Cosmos and beyond) according to St. Hildegard von Bingen and others, with the help of Mathematics, Cosmology and Quantum Mechanics."


16 July 2022

Our Lady of Mount Carmel (1251 AD)


Geometry and Mechanics of the Universe according to the visions given to St. Hildegard von Bingen:

  • “The Book of Divine Works” translated by Nathaniel M. Campbell; Part One, Vision Two: “Then, upon the breast of the aforementioned image that I had seen in the middle of the southern sky, as described above, there appeared a wheel, wonderful to see, together with its signs and symbols. This wheel was nearly like that instrument that I had seen twenty-eight years before, signified in the shape of an egg, as shown in the third vision of the book of “Scivias.”; p. 46

  • “Scivias” translated by Mother Columba Hart and Jane Bishop; Book One, Vision Three: “After this I saw a vast instrument, round and shadowed, in the shape of an egg, small at the top, large in the middle and narrowed at the bottom; outside it, surrounding its circumference, there was bright fire with, as it were, a shadowy zone under it.”; p. 93


  • “The Book of Divine Works” translated by Nathaniel M. Campbell; Part One, Vision Two; explanations by St. Hildegard; 1.3: “But when the instrument described above was laid out in your early visions in the shape of an egg, this was to show that only the division of the elements was signified by in that likeness, because an egg’s layers, by which it is divided into its constituent parts, are a bit like the way the world is devised of the elements. But now, the circumference and the correct proportion of these elements are shown only in a wheel, though neither of these holds a complete likeness of the figure of the world in every detail because it exists everywhere, whole, round, and whirling. Rather, a globe that is whole and whirling better imitates the form of the world in its every part." p. 55.


Flammarion; unknown artist, ca. 1888:

link here >>>        About Flammarion



This Syllabus, “Voyage through God’s Universe (Cosmos and beyond) according to St. Hildegard von Bingen and others, with the help of Mathematics, Cosmology and Quantum Mechanics.", will have at least 14 Chapters, with many sub-chapters. In these, there will be a short description (Narrative) and, of course, the links to the corresponding articles (It will take some time to complete all linked articles – some are ready, some not yet).

Here is the list of the articles in the Syllabus:


Syllabus - Part I; The Introduction.


The Introduction deals with:


Sun/Earth as the center of the Universe, where the Visions of St. Hildegard of Bingen put to the test Copernican "Theory";

Godel's Theorem applied to the Universe and possible solutions;

Visions  of the Saint as being obviously from "Outside the Box", therefore the true Geometry and Mechanics of the Universe and connected Quantum Mechanics are the right interpretation;

Algebraic and transcendental numbers as a way of understanding the secrets of the Universe (more about it in the next part).

And all other Parts (15 altogether).


Part 1 of the Syllabus – Introduction.

The introduction contains an overview of all the papers. Please go to this page below to find out quickly the description of all 15 Parts of the Syllabus.

Link here   >>>   https://luxdeluce.com/338-133-syllabus-part-i-the-introduction.html


Part 2 of the Syllabus – Universal Transcendental Function and Constants.

The Algebraic Numbers invented by humans do not break the code of the Universe. Something better is needed. Those are the Transcendental Numbers. We knew only 2 of them – "PI," i.e., π, and Euler Constant, i.e., "e." Fortunately, I have derived from these two transcendental constants an infinite, whole family of similar numbers. So now we can talk business. Those are the numbers I call "God's Numbers," or if you have a problem with that – "Universe's Numbers," i.e., numbers that God or Universe "talks" to us. They are essential to figuring out Quantum Mechanics and Cosmology, which are tied together.


Link to the Narrative /which will be updated shortly/   >>>   3. Book 1-a - Narrative for Introduction

Link to the Main Article here /it will be updated as well/   >>>   4. Book 1-b - Universal Transcendental Function and Universal Transcendental Constants derived from "Pi" and "e" (Universe's Numbers, God's Numbers)

Link for examples of constants going up from π   >>>   14. Book 4b - Updated Table of Transcendental Constants going Up

Link for examples of Transcendental Constants going down from π   >>>   13. Book 4a - Table of Transcendental Constants going Down

Link for the Narrative for the “Properties of the Transcendental Function and Constants”   >>>   8. Book 2-a - Narrative for Book 2-b - Properties of Transcendental Function


Link for some of the properties of the Transcendental Function and Transcendental Constants   >>>   9. Book 2-b - Some of the properties of Transcendental Function



Read more of the Introduction   >>>   133. Syllabus – Part I; The Introduction.


Part 3 of the Syllabus – The Equation approximates all Coupling Constants of the Four Forces, Mixing/Oscillation Angles of the constituents, such as Quark, Neutrino/Electron, Boson, and Graviton.

(This Equation contains all elements of the Universe (Eight of them) and more from the Great Beyond).

This series of articles will show how to derive the  General Formula for all the numbers. From this Equation can be calculated most if not all of the Coupling Constants of the Four Forces, Mixing/Oscillation Angles of the Elements of the Universe and Delta Angles, i.e., Charge-Parity Violating Phase Angles, as well as Sigma Angles, Quantum Numbers, and Quantum Fractions, etc.


Link for the Narrative of the “Derivation of the General Formula”   >>>   17. Narrative for Book 6 - Derivation of the General Formula for Constants of the Cosmology and Quantum Mechanics.

Link for the Derivation of the General Formula Part I   >>>   18. Book 6 - Derivation of General Formula for Constants of the Cosmology and Quantum Mechanics - part I.

Link for the Derivation of the General Formula Part II   >>>   19. Book 6 - Derivation of General Formula for Constants of the Cosmology and Quantum Mechanics - part II

Source code in FORTRAN for calculating Transcendental Constants   >>>   109. FORTRAN Source Code - calculation of the Theta Angles i.e. Mixing (Oscillation) Angles of Quark, Neutrino, Boson and Graviton.

Link for "The Graphs"   >>>   23. Book 7 - Here are the Graphs Only II


The following parts of the Syllabus are coming very soon (in the next weeks) - thank you for your patience!

More of the Syllabus is Coming Soon (at least 14 Parts). Almost all articles will be updated.


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