135. Narrative for the second section – forces, angular momenta, and their probabilities in neutrinos and quarks.
4 September 2023 AD; St. Rose of Viterbo (1252)
In this section, I use a very simple trick – raising the vector obtained from the main equation to the power of a fraction and then again to its reciprocal and obtaining the 'error,’ that is, the difference between the original value of the vector and the result of the mathematical operation I just described. It seems trivial, but after some research, I am not sure anymore if this is only a precision calculation error (the error is of magnitude 10^-31).
I claim that there is a possibility that those 'errors' may be more than just that.
Here is a list of mathematical laws describing unexplained events.
These laws are about some 'strange' power laws in nature, which have not yet been explained. I believe that the “error” from raising a vector to the fraction and its reciprocal may belong to the same family as those laws.
The “error” is then subjected to the Convolution Theorem (addition, not multiplication) against itself. The results provide a table of probabilities or occurrences of forces and/or angular momentum of elementary particles (now Neutrino and Quark only, later Bosons, Graviton, constituents of Space, Time, Membrane Internal and External).
Subsequently, dimensional analyses were performed on the volume of the hypersphere in different dimensions.
Using 'Power laws' first applied by Newton, I believe (Power law) gives a good explanation for the internal structure of elementary particles. For example, if quarks have a force vector and physical dimension greater than zero, should they not spin? The same applies to neutrinos and their internal properties as well. In addition, the relationship between two up (or down) Quarks and one down (or up) Quark is explained. This is similar to the three neutrinos.
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