17. Narrative for Book 6 - Derivation of the General Formula for Constants of the Cosmology and Quantum Mechanics.
28 July 2022
Sts. Nazarius and Celsus (68 AD); St. Victor I (168 AD); St. Innocent I (417 AD)
New narrative:
"The Dialogue of the Seraphic Virgin Catherine of Siena"; completed in 1370 AD; translated by Algar Thorold; Chapter CIX; p.232; God the Eternal Father to St. Catherine of Siena: “And as I, thy Creator, grant thee the opportunity, for without Me thou canst do nothing, I will fulfil thy desires, but do not thou fail, or they either, in your hope in Me. My Providence will never fail you, and every man, if he be humble, shall receive that which he is fit to receive; and every minister that which I have given to him to administer, each in his own way, according to what he has received and will receive from My goodness.”
1100's - Book Cover:

The following two articles present the “General Formula for Constants of the Cosmology and Quantum Mechanics.” This Equation may be used with Complex numbers; I will provide the links to FORTRAN programs with instructions if someone wants to calculate those values for Quark, Neutrino, Boson, and Graviton.
21 September 2017 AD; Feast of St Matthew
Andrew Yanthar-Wasilik
Old Narrative:
In Book 6, a General Formula for any Real and Complex (?-Yes) Number as a numerical value of the constant will be derived.
In previous Book 5 (“16. …”), the values of the constants were only Integers.
This General Formula will allow calculating any number substituted for constant Cx. The complex numbers will be checked later, but there is no reason why it should not work also.
Simple generating functions will be used to generalize the Formula. However, it will be split again into several more manageable parts. As everyone will see, derivation of the Generating Function for the whole sequence is rather tricky and may be better left for professional mathematicians.
The General Formula consists of many strings (at least 7-8 plus 4-5 repeats), and it reminds me of some complicated DNA/RNA with more than just two strings.
Substituting two real numbers (x) for a Constant will give two candidates for the coupling constant of the force of gravity, αG. Later on, one of the candidates will be shown to fit better.
Also, some values for Quarks, which I think are connected with the Gravity Coupling Constant, will be calculated later.
This General Formula unites big and small, Universe and Quantum, into one elegant Formula.
In addition, which may come as a “shock” for some, another full-scale Universe is sure to exist; I mean, The same Equation is describing it—however, only two of them (I mean the Universes).
The Graph of the Function looks like the sort of letter M, divided into two sections: visible (Real) and Invisible (Complex) (It will be published in Book 7).
So the Multiverse Theory is disproved, and possibly, the same fate meets String Theory.
As for me, as a Roman Catholic, this fact proves what is said in Credo:
“Credo in Unum Deum, Patrem omnipotentem, factorem Caeli et terrae, visibilium omnium et invisibilium...”
“I Believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and all things visible and invisible...”
Or: “In principio creavit Deus caelum et terram.”
“In the beginning, God created heaven and earth.” Genesis, Chapter 1, Verse 1.
Yes, it will be more apparent for everybody, I hope, to see the Hand of the Most Holy Trinity as a Founder of the Worlds.
More about the Two Universes in the following Articles.
Andrew Yanthar-Wasilik
Link for the next article >>> 18. Book 6 - Derivation of General Formula for Constants of the Cosmology and Quantum Mechanics - part I.
Return to Syllabus >>> 132. Syllabus of the course – “Voyage through God’s Universe (Cosmos and beyond) according to St. Hildegard von Bingen and others, with the help of Mathematics, Cosmology and Quantum Mechanics."
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