123. An Update May 2022.


19 May 2022 AD; St. Peter Celestine (1296); St. Pudentiana (160); St. Ivo (1303)


Andrew Yanthar-Wasilik


I will post 3-4 more articles to finish this section about Mixing Angles, Coupling Constants, Quantum Numbers, CP Violation Phase Angles (Delta), and Transformed Mixing Angles (Theta).


Thanks for your patience.

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6 August 2021 AD

Transfiguration of Our Lord; St Sixtus II (258 AD); St Felicissimus (258 AD); St Agapitus (258)


In this article, I will show how to calculate the remaining elements (Delta and Sigma Angles) for Time, Membrane Internal, and Membrane External. It is necessary to get some values from the triplets (four of them) before we can proceed to the last square with the four pairs.

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2 August 2021 AD

Our Lady of the Angels; St Eusebius of Vercelli (371 AD); St Peter Julian Eymard (1868 AD); St Alphonsus Liguori (1787 AD); St Stephen I (257 AD)


This article shows symbolic relations of Triplets and Quadruplets of all Eight Elements of the Universe/Quantum - Neutrino, Graviton, Space, Membrane Internal and Quark, Boson, Time, Membrane External.

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6 August 2021 AD

Transfiguration of Our Lord; St Sixtus II (258 AD); St Felicissimus (258 AD); St Agapitus (258)


The eight elements of the Universe and Quantum Mechanics (Neutrino, Graviton, Space and Membrane Internal, and Quark, Boson, Time and Membrane External) can be divided into three squares, each consisting of four pairs. These pairs of elements relate Delta CP Violating Angles and Sigma Angles (sums of the Mixing Angles).

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2 August 2021 AD

Our Lady of the Angels; St Eusebius of Vercelli (371 AD); St Peter Julian Eymard (1868 AD); St Alphonsus Liguori (1787 AD); St Stephen I (257 AD)


This article deals with pairs selected from eight elements of the Universe - Neutrino, Graviton, Space, Membrane Internal and Quark, Boson, Time, Membrane External.

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