126. The Narrative for the following three articles – identities formed in quadruplets and triplets.


1 July 2022;

St. Junipero Serra (1784); St. Oliver Plunkett (1681); Most Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ


These three articles will close the topic of Eight Elements of the Universe properties.

The writings will show attractive functional and structural attributes of these Elements and relations between individual Elements.

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27 June 2022

St. Cyril of Alexandria (444); Our Lady of Perpetual Help (13th C.); St Ladislaus (1095)


There will be more articles (about 10). Yesterday, while working on the eight elements of Our Universe, I discovered and proved, first time in the history of this Blue Planet the existence of at least 8 elements from beyond, from the other side, attached to our Universe, or rather our Universe being inside of the other.

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123. An Update May 2022.


19 May 2022 AD; St. Peter Celestine (1296); St. Pudentiana (160); St. Ivo (1303)


Andrew Yanthar-Wasilik


I will post 3-4 more articles to finish this section about Mixing Angles, Coupling Constants, Quantum Numbers, CP Violation Phase Angles (Delta), and Transformed Mixing Angles (Theta).


Thanks for your patience.

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124. An Update 26 May 2022.

Ascension of the Lord; St. Philip Neri (1595); St. Eleutherius (188)


In addition to the 3 or 4 closing articles in this section, I will present a new way of calculating the Mixing (Oscillation) Angles.

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6 August 2021 AD

Transfiguration of Our Lord; St Sixtus II (258 AD); St Felicissimus (258 AD); St Agapitus (258)


In this article, I will show how to calculate the remaining elements (Delta and Sigma Angles) for Time, Membrane Internal, and Membrane External. It is necessary to get some values from the triplets (four of them) before we can proceed to the last square with the four pairs.

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