22 July 2024

St. Mary Magdalen 1st century AD

This is the last table for now. It is sufficient to obtain all three g-2 magnetic moments (electron, muon and tau) and four g-factors (electron, muon, proton and neutron) from the posted complete 2.5 tables. Once I have written the FORTRAN codes, I will provide a complete list of all the tables. Each table is a separate set generated by multiplication/division, and summation/subtraction of its elements, i.e., transcendental constants. 

Each set of singles, pairs and triplets is contained in three element sets (P, F, S, and variations of it). Singles will give 3 different outputs, pairs, and triplets – six different values for each of them. Altogether we have 3+ 6 + 6 = 15. If reciprocals are taken under consideration, we will have 2 x 15 sets = 30 different sets, plus one more, i.e. three singles together, that is, the Trinity. The final number is 31 sets in that configuration or just 15 + 1 = 16 if reciprocals are not counted.

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20 July 2024 AD

St. Apollinaris of Ravenna 1st Century AD; St. Jerome Emiliani 1537 AD; St. Margaret of Antioch 304 AD


                        SUBTRACTION/SUMMATION TABLE; P-F-S configuration, i.e., first pairs


                                                              CONSTANTS GOING DOWN


          TRANSCENDENTAL CONSTANT                                       RECIPROCAL OF CONSTANT


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18 July 2024 AD

St. Camillus de Lellis 1614 AD, St. Symphorosa and her seven sons 120 AD, St. Frederick 838 AD


                         DIVISION/MULTIPLICATION TABLE; P-F-S configuration, i.e., first pairs

                                                                CONSTANTS GOING DOWN

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19 July 2024 AD

St. Vincent de Paul 1660 AD; St. Arsenius 449 AD


                            ADDITION/SUBTRACTION TABLE; P-F-S configuration, i.e., first pairs;

                                                                   CONSTANTS GOING UP

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16 July 2024 AD

Our Lady of Mount Carmel 1251 AD


MULTIPLICATION/DIVISION TABLE; P-F-S configuration, i.e., first pairs;


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