132. Syllabus of the course – “Voyage through God’s Universe (Cosmos and beyond) according to St. Hildegard von Bingen and others, with the help of Mathematics, Cosmology and Quantum Mechanics."
16 July 2022
Our Lady of Mount Carmel (1251 AD)
Geometry and Mechanics of the Universe according to the visions given to St. Hildegard von Bingen:
“The Book of Divine Works” translated by Nathaniel M. Campbell; Part One, Vision Two: “Then, upon the breast of the aforementioned image that I had seen in the middle of the southern sky, as described above, there appeared a wheel, wonderful to see, together with its signs and symbols. This wheel was nearly like that instrument that I had seen twenty-eight years before, signified in the shape of an egg, as shown in the third vision of the book of “Scivias.”; p. 46
130. More Identities – Triplets; Theta Angles (the sums of mixing angles before and after Transform) and Delta Angles (Charge – Parity Violating Phase).
4 July 2022
St. Elizabeth of Portugal (1336 AD); Commemoration of All Holy Popes;
Our Lady of Refuge; St. Theodore (310 AD)
Interesting connections here – Delta and Theta Angles split the first and second blocks into halves.
First Block consists of: Neutrino/Electron + Graviton + Quark + Boson; the second block consists of: Space + Time + Membrane Internal + Membrane External.
St. Louis Martin (1894) and Zelie Martin (1877); St. John Gualbert (1073); Sts. Nabor and Felix (303); St. Veronica of the Veil (1st Century)
“…My only-begotten Son Who said: “I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman, and you are the branches.” And this, indeed, is the truth, that I am the Husbandman, for everything that has being has proceeded and proceeds from Me. My power is inestimable, for by it, I govern the whole universe, and nothing was ever made or governed without Me.” “The Dialogue of the Seraphic Virgin Catherine of Siena”; Dictated and completed in 1370; Translation by Algar Thorold. Chapter XXIII, pp.62-63.
129. More Identities – Triplets; Theta Angles (the sums of mixing angles before and after Transform).
4 July 2022
St. Elizabeth of Portugal (1336 AD); Commemoration of All Holy Popes;
Our Lady of Refuge; St. Theodore (310 AD)
The Diagrams are self-explanatory. The relations between Neutrino /Electron/, Time and Membrane Internal are interesting. Boson and Space are interconnected as well. Quark/Graviton's association with Space/Time is also astounding.