8 June 2019 AD; Feast of Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces, St Medard and St Gildard


We are moving now into unknown territory because there is only one known mixing angle (Weinberg Angle) instead of three angles as in two previous cases (quarks and neutrinos). Fortunately, there are three tests to check the results if they are correct - one of my own design, and two others involving CP Violation Phase - two known angles (one precise and one just a guess).

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8 June 2019 AD; Feast of Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces, St Medard and St Gildard


This article has few videos explaining Higgs Boson, as well as Z, W bosons.

The findings from the Equation of the Construction of the World are getting really interesting now, as we move into the Unknown. Unknown to the present science.

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28 May 2019 AD; St Augustine of Canterbury, St Bernard of Montjoux, St Germanus


In this and next article I will present some introduction to neutrinos (1-3 min videos) and a link to the article from Wikipedia about neutrinos (more advanced).

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28 May 2019 AD; St Augustine of Canterbury, St Bernard of Montjoux, St Germanus; Rogation Day


Neutrinos are described in the main equation (Book 6, part I and part II) by three values of respective angles at Transcendental Constants C_M(inus)_1, C_M(inus)_2 and C_M(inus)_3. Each value of the function gives 2 angles so in total you get 6 different angles - three for neutrinos and three for corresponding electron,  tau and muon. It is the same as in the previous article about quarks: up and down quarks, strange and charm quarks and bottom and top quarks.

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16 May 2019 AD; St Ubaldus, St John Nepomucene, St Brendan the Navigator, St Simon Stock


As I said in the Narrative for Quarks, two components of the Main Equation (Book 6, part I and part II) are added together (the physicists called this superposition, but this is a simple sum. This, by the way, suggests that the quarks mixing procedures are linear in nature).

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