16 May 2019 AD; St Ubaldus, St John Nepomucene, St Brendan the Navigator, St Simon Stock
In this article, I will present calculation of the quark mixing angles (i.e. morphing from one type of quark to another) and quark quantum numbers.
Read more: 43. Narrative for Quark Mixing Angles
Write comment (0 Comments)15 May 2019 AD; Feast of St Isidore the Farmer, St John Baptist de la Salle, and St Dymphna
Only the Electromagnetic Force seems to be perfectly symmetrical.
Read more: 42. Symmetry of Four Forces
Write comment (0 Comments)15 May 2019 AD; Feast of St Isidore the Farmer, St John Baptist de la Salle, and St Dymphna
This force is different not in the way it works but in the way of its origin.
Read more: 40. Gravitational Force Coupling Constant Revisited
Write comment (0 Comments)15 May 2019 AD; Feast of St Isidore the Farmer, St JohnBaptist de la Salle, and St Dymphna
I'm ready to publish really serious stuff about the quarks, neutrinos, bosons, their angles, as well as the other unknown particles in expanded Standard Model of Quantum Mechanics.
Read more: 41. An Update 15 May 2019 AD
Write comment (0 Comments)15 May 2019 AD; Feast of St Isidore the Farmer, St John Baptist de la Salle, and St Dymphna
As before with Electrostatic and Weak Force, Strong Nuclear Force may oscillate between the Real and Imaginary Values, which are as follows:
Read more: 39. Strong Nuclear Force Coupling Constant Revisited
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