14 May 2019 AD; Feast of St Matthias

Finally, I'm ready to post the results of a long analysis.

The structure of the Four Forces is a lot more complicated than we think.

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26 April 2019 AD; Feast of Our Lady of Good Counsel

Three mixing angles for quarks and three for neutrinos, and Weinberg angle are calculated, plus neutrino and quark violation phase are calculated. And also some unknown yet properties of matter (angles and interactions and some unknown particles and states and some of their properties).

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Feast of St Patrick, St Joseph of Arimathea

Work is moving ahead very quickly. Most of it should be done in a few weeks, maybe in a few months.

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10 April 2019 AD Feast of St Ezechiel

Coding 75k lines in Fortran...Almost done. Then analysis of simulations/calculations.

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6 March 2019; Ash Wednesday


Here is the Fortran output file with the results of the calculation of Gravity Constant α if the gravity originates outside of the Universe. Now, this would perfectly agree with an official educated guess for the value of the Gravity Constant.

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