12. Book 3 - an Update

 14 May 2017 AD; Feast of St Matthias

Andrew Yanthar-Wasilik


The calculation of the numerical value of the fine structure constant, α, in (“11. Book 3 - Calculation of the exact value of the fine structure constant, alpha") was divided into four steps so that calculation on the computer or a calculator was easier to do...


However, all these four steps may be merged in one formula, as follows:

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11. Book 3 - Calculation of the exact value of the fine structure constant, alpha



10 May 2017 AD; Feast of St John of Avila - 16 May 2017 AD; Feast of St Simon Stock and St Brendan the Navigator



Andrew Yanthar-Wasilik

There are three formulas for getting fine structure constant - 

- first in agreement with approximation from Harvard University from 2008(1) 

- second with the agreement with approximation from Kobayashi Institue (Nagoya University) from 2012(2) 

- third with the agreement with approximation from 2014 CODATA

The formulas are slightly different; time will tell which one is better once the work on this blog is completed.

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10 May 2017 AD; Feast of St John of Avila 

Andrew Yanthar-Wasilik


Book 3 shows the exact value of the fine structure constant, α, and two formulas to calculate them. It also shows a comparison with recent scientific findings. In addition, the links to the articles from researchers are posted.


Some explanation of fine structure constant (from 2009):


Multiplication by Infinity blog - fine structure, the constant short explanation


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8. Book 2-a - Narrative for Book 2-b - Properties of Transcendental Function

Updated Narrative


23 July 2022

St. Bridget of Sweden (1373 AD); St. Apollinaris of Ravenna (1st Century AD); St. Liborius (4th Century AD)

Two quotes from an ancient Litany to the Blessed Virgin Mary, probably written by St. Dominic:


Sancta Maria, fons verae sapietiae, ora pro nobis

Sancta Maria, lumen rectae scitiae, ora pro nobis




Holy Mary, the fountain of true wisdom, pray for us

Holy Mary, the light of the proper knowledge (science), pray for us


I always knew that Most Holy Mary is the most brilliant human being.



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