The second step in the explanation of ‘how we got here' is the General Formula for Mixing Angles and associated with them vector magnitudes. This Universal Equation works with any number /real, complex, integer, etc./ I will start with a simple 'Integer Formula' to calculate the exact value of the Fine Structure Constant, alpha. The Nagoya University Team from Japan had the closest value in 2012, mine was calculated in 2017, and the official value of the Fine Structure Constant, alpha, is getting closer to my number every year.
Before the General Formula is derived in the following books, here is a short description of formulae for particular constants.
Because the whole formula is too long to put together in one piece, it must be split into parts for a clearer understanding.
After many tests on different possibilities, the experimental results are as follows.
6 March, 2024; Felicitas and Perpetua (204 AD), St. Colette (1447 AD)
In this series of articles, I will explain how to obtain quark and neutrino g-factor, which is just the ratio of magnetic moment to angular momentum. It will be very useful for getting the inner works of proton and neutron. Because arriving at these results is complicated, first I will explain how to do it. /These 'difficult' articles are coming up/.
In this section, I use a very simple trick – raising the vector obtained from the main equation to the power of a fraction and then again to its reciprocal and obtaining the 'error,’ that is, the difference between the original value of the vector and the result of the mathematical operation I just described. It seems trivial, but after some research, I am not sure anymore if this is only a precision calculation error (the error is of magnitude 10^-31).
I claim that there is a possibility that those 'errors' may be more than just that.
Soon, very soon, there will be a new section posted about probabilities of Angular Momenta and/or Position/Location of Neutrinos and Quarks (yes). I'll try to post the Syllabus as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.