6 August 2024

Transfiguration of Our Lord; Sts. Sixtus II, Felicissimus & Agapitus 258 AD


In this part, I will focus on the Fibonacci-like sequences and in the second part on their geometrical representation, i.e., spirals. Using the multiplication/division tables and summation/subtraction tables in a certain way will let us get exact values of the Fibonacci-like sequences, and, what is quite interesting fractional Fibonacci-like sequences, unknown until this day. I will present a way to get these transformations done. The examples will follow. I will choose a couple of basic sequences for everyone to see how it works.

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30 July 2024

St. Peter Chrysologus 450 AD; Sts. Abdon & Sennen 303 AD


In this article, I will calculate the last anomalous magnetic moment in this series, the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron, the g-2 electron. The calculation will be done using transcendentals but in a slightly different way than in the g-2 muon case. Again, the final result agrees perfectly (12-digit accuracy) with the experimental value.

Before I start, I would like to explain to the reader (if necessary) what this anomalous magnetic moment is. Basically, it is a g-factor of the electron (or muon and tau) less by the value 2.0 and then the result is divided by 2.0, that’s all there is. If one wants to see the explanation from Fermi Labs and Wikipedia, here are the links:

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23 July 2024 AD

St. Bridget of Sweden 1373 AD; St. Apollinaris of Ravenna 1st century AD; St. Liborius 4th century AD


This is the easiest calculation. Probably, because the theoretical value has only 6 significant digits. There are two ways of doing this. One is done by using ONLY transcendental constants; the other is done by using integers and constants. I prefer the first option; it is more elegant. However, the use of integers also gives good results. I will show both options here.

One important thing – the use of transcendental constants is like traditional calculations. It allows one to calculate any number. In my view, the new system of calculations is much more precise, and, of course, gives the possibility of avoiding scientific formulas.

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26 July 2024

Sts. Joachim and Anne 1st century B.C.; St. Anne


In this article, I will calculate the one correct value of the anomalous magnetic moment of Muon g-2. We have six different values of Muon g-2; one theoretical, three from experiments posted by the Wikipedia article, and two newer ones, one from Fermilab and one world average. They are all different. Of course, only one can be correct. How do we do that? Using transcendentals gives a more precise result. I call these numbers ‘transcendentals’, because they contain somehow in them the laws of physics and other fields of science (it seems to be so), which I try to prove here in this section of posts. If all seven results (3 x g-2 and 4 x g-factors) will give the right results (and they do), how do you explain it? Instead of spending billions of $$$ on finding tiny numbers, one can obtain the same results almost for free (even I can afford it) and a lot faster. Again, a set of rules is required on how to use transcendentals in their pure form, and, multiplication/division tables and summation/subtraction tables. I will be working hard on it, although it seems to be impossible to understand the rules right now. Maybe in the far future, there will be some smart guys figuring that out if I do not succeed.

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23 July 2024 AD

St. Bridget of Sweden 1373 AD; St. Apollinaris of Ravenna 1st century AD; St. Liborius 4th century AD


There will be seven articles in this series. Calculation of the g-factors of electron, proton, neutron, and muon, and g-2 factors of electron, muon, and tau particles. All calculations will involve transcendental constants and integers, such as 10 and powers of 10 to shift the decimal point of a constant to the left or right and some other integers and fractions. The fractions will have, in denominators 2, 3, 4, etc., values resembling values used in quantum physics.

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