53. 3. Third Exorcism Prayer


2 December 2020 AD

St Bibiana (4th Century)



Say seven times. 

7 kisses of the Rosary, 3 "Lord, I Love Thee", 3 bows of the head, 35 Crosses (+) - (7 X 5 crosses).

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52. 2. Second Exorcism Prayer - Prayer for Protection by the Three Archangels.


2 December 2020 AD

St Bibiana (4th Century)

You have to say the second prayer 7 times - you can use Blessed Rosary to count 7 repeats and as well kiss the Rosary 7 times, say 3 times "Lord, I Love Thee", bow your head slightly 3 times.

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50. 0. The Narrative for the 15 Exorcism Prayers.


25 November 2020 AD;

St Catherine of Alexandria (307)



Those very serious prayers are for Catholics in a State of Grace only. Those prayers may be very dangerous if improperly used. You can use them at your own risk. I bear no responsibility for any misuse of the said exorcism prayers. They are for the information of the reader only. They won't have any effect unless "God wills it". "Deus Vult!"

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51. 1. First Exorcism Prayer - Signum Crucis


28 November 2020 AD;

St Catherine Laboure (1876); St James of the Marches (1476)


This is the beginning of the Exorcism. You need a blessed crucifix.

1. Kiss the Crucifix seven times.

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49. An Act of Spiritual Communion


18 March 2020; St Cyril of Jerusalem (386); Our Lady of Mercy


An Act of Spiritual Communion

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