38. Veni Creator Spiritus


26 February 2020 AD; Ash Wednesday


Veni Creator Spiritus Hymn (Latin/English) and chant by Schola Gregoriana Mediolanensis:

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37. Veni Sancte Spiritus


26 February 2020 AD; Ash Wednesday


Veni Sancte Spiritus - known also as "The Golden Sequence" and gregorian chant by Monks of Santo Domingo de Silos:

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35. Ante Prandium (Before Lunch) Prayer


26 February 2020 AD; Ash Wednesday


Beneditiones Mensae (Latin/English) and "Oculi Omnium" Psalm  by Gregorian Monks of Santo Domingo de Silos:

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36. Post Prandium (After Lunch) Prayer


26 February 2020 AD; Ash Wednesday


Post Prandium Prayer (After Lunch) Latin/English and "Laudate Dominum" gregorian chant:

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34. "Michael, my Archangel..." - excerpt from the Mass for the Dead Hymn


4 October 2019 AD; St Francis of Assisi (1226)


An excerpt from the Mass for the Dead Hymn: "Michael, My Archangel, I have established Thee over all souls that are to be received into My Kingdom."

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