46. The Chaplet of the Seven Joys of Our Lady


27 February 2020 AD; St Hilary (468); St Romanus (460)


The Chaplet of the Seven Joys of Our Lady (text and YouTube)


223. Chaplet of the Seven Joys of Our Lady.

i. All who, in churches of the Franciscans, join in the public recitation of this chaplet, gain all the indulgences granted to members of the Order.

ii. Plenary, on each of the Feasts of the Seven Joys, the greater Feasts of our Lady, or on any day within the Octaves, to all who recite the chaplet. I, II.

iii. Plenary, once a month, if said every Saturday. I, II.

iv. Plenary, in articulo mortis, at the point of death, to all who carry the beads about and say them frequently. I, n (if possible) or with at least contrition and resignation, and the invocation of the Holy Name, in the heart, if not with the lips.

v. 300 Years, on other Feasts of our Lady.

vi. 200 Years, on holidays of obligation,

vii. 70 Years and 70 Quarantines, on any day.

viii. 10 Years to all who do any good work for the glory of GOD and the benefit, spiritual or temporal, of their neighbour, or who say Ave seven times in honour of the Joys, if they carry the beads about and say them frequently.

N.B. The beads must be blessed by the Franciscan Minister-General, or a priest duly authorized by him (single decades may be said separately during the course of the day.) (See Instructions.) 223 Pius X. Br. September is, July 22, 1905.

(1) The Annunciation.

(2) The Visitation.

(3) The Nativity.

(4) The Adoration of the Magi.

(5) The Finding in the Temple.

(6) The Resurrection.

(7) The Assumption


The Chaplet of the Seven Joys of Our Lady - YouTube

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