58. 8. Eighth Exorcism Prayer - Sorrows of Mary


4 December 2020

St Barbara (4th Century); St John Damascene (749); St Peter Chrysolgus (450)


Say it 7 times. 7 X 9 Crosses (+) (with the Rosary or Crucifix); 7 Kisses; 3 "Lord, I Love Thee"; 3 Bows of the Head.



"May the (+) Seven Dolors of the (+) Most Holy Virgin Mary (+) Protect (+) (say the name of the sinner), (+) (say the name of the Exorcist) from the Fury of Hell and the Gates of Hell. (+) Seven Dolors of the (+) Blessed Virgin Mary, (+) Glorious Queen of Heaven, (+) Intercede for me and us. Amen."

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