9. Understanding Mark 6:17-29: Virtue and Vice


First we will look at John and his virtue of fortitude. He did not say much, but whatever he said struck the hearts of men like a lightning bolt made out of pure love. This lightning bolt was so strong that he was willing to go to death for it. John was not

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8. August 29th 2018 - The Beheading of St. John the Baptist


*DISCLAIMER: I am using the Douay-Rheims versions of the bible if any of you are interested and all the texts posted are from there.


**I am going to make a change as to how we are going to approach the studies of the scripture. Instead of going from chapter to chapter, I will be posting the feast day accordingly. For the theology section, the text of the gospel will be placed and will be understood in the section God’s Dialogue.

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6. Theology of Genesis 3: Fall of Man


*DISCLAIMER: I am using the Douay-Rheims versions of the bible if any of you are interested and all the texts posted are from there.


Chapter 3 Now the serpent was more subtle than any of the beasts of the earth which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman: Why hath God commanded you, that you should not eat of every tree of paradise?

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7. Understanding Genesis 3: Sin


What a wonderful thing God’s love is for us. He has given us all creation as a gift to us and gave us power over all creation.

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5. Understanding Genesis 2: Marriage


Genesis 2 has great beauty to the chapter, but the main focus is on us as humans. I wish to direct our attention to the first two humans, Adam and Eve. There is great importance in their relationship and in our every day life this is called marriage.

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