Sts. Protus & Hyacinth 257 AD; St. Adelphus 5th century AD; St. Paphnutius 356 AD
This article will be very short. I will describe the spiral angle and how to build a spiral of the Transcendental Fibonacci-like Sequences, Pater, Filius, and Spiritus. To determine this all we need is two consecutive terms of a sequence.
St. Rose of Lima 1617 AD; Sts. Felix & Adauctus 304 AD; St. Fiacre of Brie 670 AD; Bl. Bronislava 1259 AD
The Transcendental Fibonacci Sequence is the result of operation on two Parent Sequences (or if you prefer Transcendental Constants, more about it in a moment), the P(ater) constant and F(ilius) constant.
St. Pontian 236 AD; Bl. Philip Monarriz & Comps. 1936 AD; St. Hippolytus 235 AD; St. Casian 3rd century AD; St. Radegund 587 AD
This article will be about some of the properties of the Multiplication/Division Tables and Transcendental Fibonacci Sequence. There is a way of breaking a Transcendental Fibonacci Sequence into an arithmetic formula and in that way obtaining all the terms of this sequence. To do this, I have to bring back certain properties of the Multiplication/Division Table. We started with two numbers:
St. Rose of Lima 1617 AD; St. Philip Benizi 1285 AD
Below is the Complete Transcendental Fibonacci Sequence consisting of two parts, whole and fractional. The terms are bounded by zero and infinity. The ratio of two consecutive terms is equal to the ‘golden ratio:’
Transfiguration of Our Lord; Sts. Sixtus II, Felicissimus & Agapitus 258 AD
In this part, I will focus on the Fibonacci-like sequences and in the second part on their geometrical representation, i.e., spirals. Using the multiplication/division tables and summation/subtraction tables in a certain way will let us get exact values of the Fibonacci-like sequences, and, what is quite interesting fractional Fibonacci-like sequences, unknown until this day. I will present a way to get these transformations done. The examples will follow. I will choose a couple of basic sequences for everyone to see how it works.