24 September 2019 AD; Our Lady of Ransom; St Pacific of San Severino
11 November 2019 AD; St Martin of Tours (397); St Mennas (3rd Century)
This is an updated version of how to compute the CP Violation Phase Angle of Neutrino.
To get the results we need a couple of things:
0. Approximate/exact (guessed/measured) value of CP Violation Phase Angle of Neutrino.
(more in this article: 68. Getting CP Violation Phase Angles of Neutrino, Boson, Quark, and Graviton )
1. Quantum Fraction from which we get factors to calculate the angles.
2. Spherical correction angles for each combination of the four fundamental elements - consisting of Neutrino, Boson, Quark, and Graviton.
3. The sum of the Mixing (Oscillation) Angles of Neutrino, Boson, Quark, and Graviton from before and after transformation into the positive part of the Real Plane (we used the sum of two complex vectors).
0 - We need some approximation of a CP Violation Phase Angle of Neutrino or a measured value (see article 68, with the link above) or an official estimate which is now about
δ CP VIOLATION PHASE ANGLE NEUTRINO = approx. 234 deg (+43 deg; -31 deg)
Having this angle will speed up the computations.
1 - Quantum Fraction which is a fraction different for each of the four fundamental elements, but nevertheless forming two pairs.
For Neutrino the Quantum Fraction is:
( 21 / 9 ) / ( ( 3 / 2 ) - ( 5 / 6 ) ) = 7 / 2
The reciprocal of each part will be used for calculation of the CP Violation Phase Angle of Neutrino, in the following way:
( 9 / 21 ) for calculation CP Violation Phase Angle of the following combinations:
Quark, Graviton, Quark + Graviton, Boson + Neutrino, Quark + Boson + Neutrino, Graviton + Boson + Neutrino, and Quark + Graviton + Boson + Neutrino.
( 2 / 3 ) for the following combinations:
Neutrino, Quark + Neutrino, Graviton + Neutrino, Quark + Graviton + Neutrino.
( 6 / 5 ) for the following combinations:
Boson, Quark + Boson, Graviton + Boson, Quark + Graviton + Boson.
2 - Spherical Correction Angles. Those are just the sums of the angles of different elements and reduced to multiplications of 90+ deg (or if you prefer multiplications of 22.5+ deg).
Correction Angles for combinations of the elements:
Quark + Graviton = ( 1 / 2 ) x + (1 / 2 ) y = 90.50998 deg
Boson + Neutrino = ( x + y ) / 4 = 90.1793 deg
(Quark + Graviton) + Boson = ( 1 / 2 ) x + ( 1 / 2 ) y = 90.34464 deg
(Quark + Graviton) + Neutrino = as above
Quark + ( Boson + Neutrino ) = ( 1 / 5 )x + ( 4 / 5 ) y = 90.245436 deg
Graviton + ( Boson + Neutrino ) = as above
( Quark + Graviton ) + ( Boson + Neutrino ) = ( 1 / 3 ) x + ( 2 / 3 ) y = 90.289527 deg
Quark + Boson = ( 1 / 3 ) x + ( 2 / 3 ) y = 90.289527 deg
Quark + Neutrino = as above
Graviton + Boson = as above
Graviton + Neutrino = as above
These values are necessary to get the Arithmetic Mean of the CP Violation Angle for any element.
3 - The sum of Mixing (Oscillation) Angles of Neutrino from before and after the transformation:
θ 13 = -8.5770 deg, and after the transformation θ 13 = 145.7087 deg
θ 23 = -47.2551 deg, and after the transformation θ 23 = 98.6837 deg
θ 12 = 34.6599 deg, and after the transformation θ 12 = 34.6599 deg
It'll be necessary to go to the article "56. Neutrino Mixing (Oscillation) Angles Final - after the Transformation": ( 56. Neutrino Mixing (Oscillation) Angles Final - after the Transformation )
Angles before the transformation are calculated using built-in Fortran function [ ATAN2 (Im, Re) ]. This function gives Polar coordinates: Length of the vector and the Angle of this vector with X-axis. The Angle depends on the location of the initial vector ( i.e. in which quadrant the vector is located in Cartesian coordinates ).
Here is the description from Fortran Wiki: ATAN2
Important note: The angles above θ13 ; θ23 ; θ12 ; from before the transformation and after the transformation are different than the original angles since the Quantum Numbers were applied to them, so that the Mixing (Oscillation) Angles may be calculated.
Here are the original angles from before the transform:
Θ13 = -20.0130 deg. When multiplied by Quantum Number [ ( 1 / 3.5 ) X ( 3 / 2 ) ] then equals to the θ13 = -8.5770 deg
Θ23 = -165.3929 deg. When multiplied by Quantum Number [ ( 1 / 3.5 ) ] then equals to the θ23 = -47.2551 deg
Θ12 = 23.1066 deg. When multiplied by Quantum Number [ ( 3 / 2 ) ] then equals to the θ12 = 34.6599 deg
The transformation:
The Transformation computes "Final Angle" - this is a set of rules to get all the angles Θ from previous calculations and transform them into a set of angles with the following values:
0.0 deg < ΘFINAL < 90.0 deg and
270.0 deg < ΘFINAL < 360.0 deg
This is how it is done:
1: If the original angle Θ is located in the first quadrant: ΘFINAL = Θ
2: If the original angle Θ is located in the second quadrant: ΘFINAL = ( 180 deg = π ) - | Θ |; i.e. 180 deg - absolute value of theta.
3: If the original angle Θ is located in the third quadrant: ΘFINAL = ( 180 deg = π ) + | Θ |; i.e. 180 deg + absolute value of theta.
4: If the original angle Θ is located in the fourth quadrant: ΘFINAL = ( 360 deg = 2π ) - | Θ |; i.e. 360 deg - absolute value of theta.
After that transform, the ΘFINAL angles are multiplied by the same Quantum Numbers as in the case of ΘBEFORE THE TRANSFORM ; (which was computed right before), giving the angles θFINAL .
Here are the Angles after the Transformation:
θ13 FINAL = (339.9870 degrees = angle after the transformation). When multiplied by the Quantum Number [ ( 1 / 3.5 ) X ( 3 / 2 ) ] then equals to θ13 FINAL = 145.7087 degrees
θ23 FINAL = (345.3929 degrees = angle after the transformation). When multiplied by the Quantum Number [ ( 1 / 3.5 ) ] then equals to θ23 FINAL = 98.6837 degrees
θ12 FINAL = (23.1066 degrees = angle after the transformation). When multiplied by the Quantum Number [ ( 3 / 2 ) ] then equals to θ12 FINAL = 34.6599 degrees
The sum of all these Mixing ( Oscillation ) Angles is the Total Neutrino Mixing (Oscillation) Angle and equal to:
θ TOTAL NEUTRINO MIXING (OSCILLATION) ANGLE = [ ( θ13 = - 8.5770 deg + 145.7087 deg ) + ( θ23 = - 47.2551 deg + 98.6837 deg ) + ( θ12 = 34.6599 deg X 2 ) ] = 257.8801 degrees
In a similar manner we get mixing angles of the other elements:
θ TOTAL BOSON MIXING (OSCILLATION) ANGLE = [ ( θ13 = - 28.1209 deg + 60.2637 deg ) + ( θ23 = 13.3623 deg + 1.3316 deg ) + ( θ12 = 28.0002 deg X 2 ) ] = 102.8371 degrees
θ TOTAL QUARK MIXING (OSCILLATION ) ANGLE = [ ( θ13 = - 0.20134 deg + 59.7987 deg ) + ( θ23 = 2.3781 deg X 2 ) + ( θ12 = 13.0585 deg X 2 ) ] = 90.4706 degrees
θ TOTAL GRAVITON MIXING ANGLE = [ ( θ13 = 6.1879 deg X 2 ) + ( θ23 = 0.5154 deg X 2 ) + ( θ12 = - 69.9459 deg + 147.0887 deg ) ] = 90.5494 degrees
Now, we can proceed with getting the CP Violation Phase Angle of Neutrino.
Quark = (90.4706 deg + 5 X 90.5100 deg) X ( 9 / 21 ) = 543.0205 deg X ( 9 / 21 ) = 232.7231 deg
Graviton = (90.5494 deg + 5 X 90.5100 deg ) X ( 9 / 21 ) = 543.0993 deg X ( 9 / 21 ) = 232.7568 deg
Boson = (102.8371 deg + 1 X 90.1793 deg ) X ( 6 / 5 ) = 193.0164 deg X ( 6 / 5 ) = 231.6197 deg
Neutrino = (257.8801 deg + 1 X 90.1793 deg ) X ( 2 / 3 ) = 348.0594 deg X ( 2 / 3 ) = 232.0396 deg
Arithmetic Mean of the Singles = 929.1392 deg / 4 = 232.2848 deg
Quark + Neutrino = (90.4706 deg + 257.8801 deg + 0 X 90+ deg) X ( 2 / 3 ) = 348.3507 X ( 2 / 3 ) = 232.2338 deg
Graviton + Neutrino = (90.5494 deg + 257.8801 deg + ) X 90+ deg) X ( 2 / 3 ) = 348.4295 X ( 2 / 3 ) = 232.2863 deg
Quark + Boson = (90.4706 deg + 102.8371 deg + 0 X 90+ deg) X ( 6 / 5 ) = 193.3077 deg X ( 6 / 5 ) = 231.9692 deg
Graviton + Boson = 90.5494 deg + 102.8371 deg + 0 X 90+ deg) X ( 6 / 5 ) = 193.3865 deg X ( 6 / 5 ) = 232.0638 deg
Quark + Graviton = (90.4706 deg + 90.5494 deg + 4 X 90.5100 deg ) X ( 9 / 21/ ) = 543.0599 deg X ( 9 / 21 ) = 232.7400 deg
Boson + Neutrino = (102.8371 deg + 257.8801 deg + 2 X 90.90.1793 deg ) X ( 9 / 21 ) = 541.0758 deg X ( 9 / 21 ) = 231.8896 deg
The arithmetic mean of the Pairs = 1393.1827 deg / 6 = 232.1971 deg
Quark + Graviton + Boson = (90.4706 deg + 90.5494 deg + 102.8371 deg - 1 X 90.34464 deg) X ( 6 / 5 ) = 193.5124 deg X ( 6 / 5 ) = 232.2149 deg
Quark + Graviton + Neutrino = (90.4706 deg + 90.5494 deg + 257.8801 deg - 1 X 90.34464 deg ) X ( 2 / 3 ) = 348.5554 X ( 2 / 3 ) = 232.3703 deg
Quark + Boson + neutrino = (90.4706 deg + 102.8371 deg + 257.8801 deg + 1 X 90.2454 ) X ( 9 / 21 ) = 541.4332 deg X ( 9 / 21 ) = 232.0428 deg
Graviton + Boson + Neutrino = (90.5494 deg + 102.8371 deg + 257.8801 deg + 1 X 90.2454 deg) X ( 9 / 21 ) = 541.5120 deg X ( 9 / 21 ) = 232.0766 deg
The Arithmetic Mean of the Triplets = 928.7046 deg / 4 = 232.1762 deg
Quadruplet (the sum of the angles = 540 degrees i.e. Pentagon shape):
Quark + Graviton + Boson + Neutrino = δ CP VIOLATION PHASE ANGLE NEUTRINO = (90.4706 deg + 90.5494 deg +102.8371 deg + 257.8801 deg + 0 X 90+ deg) X ( 9 / 21 ) = 541.73716 deg X ( 9 / 21 ) = 232.1731 deg = 4.05218448 radians
The arithmetic mean of Singles, Pairs, Triplets, and Quadruplet = δ CP VIOLATION PHASE ANGLE NEUTRINO = ( 232.2848 deg X 4 + 232.1971 deg X 6 + 232.1762 deg X 4 + 232.1731 deg ) / 15 = 3483.1997 deg / 15 = 232.2133 deg = 4.05288688 radians
Again, the result from the quadruplet seems to be better and a lot simpler to compute, than the arithmetic mean.
Next articles Revisited: Quark.
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