11 July 2019 AD; St Benedict and St Pius I


Here are 2 small output files for the sample program:

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11 July 2019 AD; St Benedict and St Pius I


Here is a sample of the code for Transcendental Constant C_0:

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13 June 2019 AD, St Anthony of Padua, Pentecost Thursday


By the laws of symmetry and by structural and functional analogy to Quarks, Neutrinos/Electron, Tau, Muon and Bosons (Higgs, W, and Z), one can easily deduce the structure and function of Graviton. So, after all, it is possible to navigate in this unknown territory.

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 11 July 2019 AD; St Benedict, St Pius I


Using the transformation of a complex plane into a half-plane we get a whole new set of angles and other parameters. The angles (I called them "Final Angles"), when added to the angles from before the transformation, give a spherical triangle (180+ degrees) and a spherical quadrangle (360+ degrees). Also when using pairs, triplets, and quadruplets from each set of the angles we get CP Violation Phase angles for Quarks and for Neutrinos.

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13 June 2019 AD; St Anthony of Padua, Pentecost Thursday


I do not think anymore that Gravity originates far beyond our Universe. The scientific data from my equations points to Gravity as a result of elementary particle interactions.

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