19 September 2019 AD: Feast of St Januarius and Comps.; Our Lady of La Salette
7 November 2019 AD; St Carina, St Melassipius, St Anthony (360); St Willibrord (739); St Engelbert (1225)
Boson and Neutrino belong to the same family. Below are listed their common properties:
1. Neutrino is ruled indirectly by electrostatic force (electromagnetic force) and Boson is ruled by the weak force (together electroweak force).
2. Sum of mixing (oscillation) angles before and after transformation of the Neutrino and Boson is 360 deg spherical (i.e. 360+ deg)
3. The quotient of Quantum Fractions of the Neutrino and Boson is the same and equal to 7 / 2.
4. The way of calculating the CP Violation Phase Angle of Neutrino and Boson is the same (correction factors i.e. spherical angles).
Similar rules apply to Quark and Graviton pair - they also form one family.
In the main article, I will calculate the exact value of the CP Violation Phase Angle of Boson. This value from the method using Arithmetic Mean is equal to:
δ CP VIOLATION PHASE ANGLE BOSON = 129.0053 deg = 2.25156689 radians (spherical).
And there is a shortcut for calculating this value ( using Quadruplet (Pentagon) Method - more about it later) giving result equal to:
δ CP VIOLATION PHASE ANGLE BOSON = 128.985038 deg = 2.25121360 radians (spherical).
I prefer the last result - it is a lot simpler to calculate, more elegant and probably closer to the truth.
It'll be necessary to go back to the article: "55. Boson Mixing (Oscillation) Angle Final - after the transformation" 55. Boson Mixing (Oscillation) Angles Final - after the transformation
I did some small changes in this article, so it is easier to read. It'll be useful later on, in the main article about Boson.
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