48. Stabat Mater Dolorosa


12 March 2020 AD; St Gregory the Great (604); St Theophanes the Chronicler (817)


Stabat Mater Dolorosa (At the Cross Her Station Keeping) - text Latin/English and YouTube music

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47. The Rosary of St Dominic


27 February 2020 AD; St Hilary (462); St Romanus (460)


The original Rosary of st Dominic (text only)

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45. The Chaplet of the Holy Spirit


27 February 2020 AD; St Hilary (462); St Romanus (460)


The Chaplet of the Holy Spirit approved by Pope Leo XIII (text only)

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46. The Chaplet of the Seven Joys of Our Lady


27 February 2020 AD; St Hilary (468); St Romanus (460)


The Chaplet of the Seven Joys of Our Lady (text and YouTube)

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44. St Michael the Archangel Chaplet


27 February 2020 AD; St Hilary (462); St Romanus (460)


The Chaplet to St Michael the Archangel (text and YouTube)

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